What do you want?

Have you found it easy to envision what you want for this year? Or have the many waves of uneasiness in the world around us made it difficult to connect to your desires?

So far, even though little more than one week in, 2021 has included a domestic terrorist attack on the US Capitol, a sitting President up for possible impeachment for inciting insurrection, possible invoking of the 25th amendment, cognitive dissonance demonstrated on live TV as to the differences on how groups of people are treated in our country by authorities, and of course, if you’re on social media, you may have seen countless messages which further unveil disturbing beliefs, thoughts, and intense disagreements. Amidst this, I’ve found myself feeling scattered, anxious, and uneasy.

Thankfully, I’ve also been learning from several wise mentors in my life that we can choose where we spend our energy, thoughts, and time. So as the week has wrapped up, I’m taking their advice. I acknowledge what is heartbreaking and unjust while also knowing how I can serve to make a change in our nation and world lies in the offerings I’ve been inspired to curate. Therefore, this weekend, it was time for me to refocus using my Vision Journal.


In today's #makeitmonday demo, I used a visualization technique to help me imagine what my next goal will look and feel like. Then I created this vision journal page using scrapbook paper and magazine clippings to represent what I envisioned.


  • mixed media journal

  • mod podge

  • paper plate

  • foam paintbrush

  • magazine clippings

  • scrapbook paper

  • parchment paper (put under page while working)

Note: If the clippings wrinkle up while using mod podge, you can either smooth out as you go or use a glue stick instead when applying to the page. Then apply a thin layer of mod podge over the page when fully finished.

Vision Journaling Workshop 1/21/21

We'll be guided through a visualization exercise by special guest Andrea Mosely in the next Vision Journaling workshop on 1/21. She’ll also share tips for manifesting our dreams. I hope you join me in envisioning your next step towards making your dreams a reality this year.


Journal Prompt for Taking Risks


A Sigh of Relief