Journal Prompt for Taking Risks


This month we’ve been talking about our visions for 2021 and engaging in prompts through Vision Journaling to help envision and depict our next ideas.  So I'm wondering, have you ever had the experience where you dream this amazing dream, and then moments later you're plagued with anxiety about it? You may start asking yourself, “okay, but what do I actually do if it comes true?”.  Then also, “But how is it going to work? Where is the money going to come from? What if this happens?  What if this other thing happens?”  We can almost be side-swiped and paralyzed by fears.  

If you haven’t guessed, I’m speaking from experience. I have dreamed a dream recently, then found myself in the next couple of days having a whole freak out.  I'm grateful for several people in my life who share guiding insights of truth.  I’ve been really clinging to a few pieces of wisdom lately which have helped tame the fire of anxiety in me.  I picked one for today’s #makeitmonday demonstration, which is a creative journal prompt you can do to respond to and calm anxiety about pursuing our dreams.  

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This mantra for refocusing when faced with fear is something that one of my mentors, Marlon Hall, shared with us several years ago, but it has hung with me ever since.  He said when tempted to dwell on things we are fearful about, instead, ask yourself, “What do I love?” Then hold those things closer than what we fear. Instead of zoning in on what can go wrong, he teaches to focus on the answer to “Why do we want to carry out our next dream?”.  By doing this, we will be more grounded in purpose and our intentions than fear.  From that place, we can flow forward from a place of love and stability rather than scarcity.  

For example, let’s say you want to be a fashion designer.  Maybe you really like art and clothes, and that is great. Also consider, why do you want to create, rather than thinking, “Where's the money going to come from?  How am I going to get the start-up costs covered?”.  All of that will be, of course, good questions to ask and consider as you plan. However, as far as the thoughts that ruminate around our brain (you know, the ones that spiral on repeat) to combat those, focus first on what gift your clothing would be to the world. What motivates you about that? Maybe you want to empower the women or men that are going to wear your clothes?  Maybe it's that you want to allow them to feel confident while wearing your new outfit so they can go and make their mark on the world while feeling more strength to do so.  

Therefore, choosing to embrace this concept, this journal prompt is one exercise I’ve used to bring what I love into focus.  In response to my anxiety this month, I used this page to remind myself what I love, drawing the attention and energy away from what I fear.  I’m considering what I am for, more than what I am against. I’m answering:

  • “What do I love?”

  • “Why do I want this dream?”

  • “Who all would benefit if I carry out this dream?”

  • “What am I passionate about?”   

If you are a person who likes giving, then another question is “how is doing this thing going to help other people?”. Perhaps those answers can be the motivation you cling on to disrupt anxious thoughts when they start spiraling. 

In the video below, I'll guide you through a journal prompt to focus on what you love.  Even if you don't do it just like I do, that is fine.  My encouragement to you is to find a way to focus on what you love more than what you fear.  

p.s. If you enjoyed this prompt, and are curious about trying Vision Journaling, start here.


What do you love about yourself?


What do you want?