Do you serve others in your career or life responsibilities?

Are you an Educator? Nonprofit Professional? Caregiver? Healthcare professional?
Counselor? Social Worker? Coach?

Thank you for your service! I would call you a helper. I recognize that you are likely asked to serve in many roles with heavy responsibilities while giving care.

You’ve been wearing too many hats for too long. I invite you to take your hats off with us to reconnect with the amazing person underneath them - YOU.

You are passionate about serving others.

Yet, you are finding yourself…

Having a hard time showing up fully for those you serve.

Exhausted from the overwhelming work of the many hats you wear.

Feeling overwhelmed by the needs around you.

Faced with limited resources and high demands for your time, energy, care, and expertise.

Experiencing guilt creeping in when trying to care for yourself.

Growing numb with less capacity to feel empathetic or compassionate.

Feeling depleted when trying to nurture yourself and your personal relationships.

Which of these sound familiar?

As someone who experienced and recovered from burnout and compassion fatigue while serving directly in the nonprofit field for eighteen years, I’ve been there!

Instead of continuing down this exhausting path, now is the time to access the tools and support necessary to…

Fulfill the missions you care about while showing up as the best version of yourself.

Care for others while also renewing your energy.

Give high-quality support to those you serve from an overflow of your well-being.

Improve your personal and professional relationships.

Reconnect with yourself.

Reignite your passion and share your gifts in a sustainable way.

And what’s more…you can have even have FUN while connecting with your true self through discovering and engaging creativity!

I’ve designed a creative journey from
overwhelm to well-being with you in mind.

Join our “Hats Off for Helpers” Healing Arts membership program to experience creative healing arts activities, resources, support, and camaraderie so that you can reconnect with yourself,
release stress and anxiety,
and renew your energy.

It’s time to remember the person underneath all the hats you wear.

What’s Included

Reflect & Listen.

Through one live workshop and one self-guided activity per month, you’ll be invited to look inward and listen to your inner voice. By engaging in creative journal prompts, other Healing Arts activities, and optional discussion, we’ll explore the topics together.

Play & Create.

I will share suggested supply lists of the the needed creative supplies to carry out our Healing Arts activities. However, of course, you may choose to add in your favorite tools and materials as well!

Gather & Connect.

Experience the refreshing nature of sharing time with people who “get it”. Your fellow members will be sojourners together while processing the ups and downs of your daily life and work.

Paced to integrate tools for well-being into your life,
without adding to your overwhelm!

Yes, Giver, it’s your time to be and receive. Turn off, exhale, and create with us.

A few minutes of releasing stress through creativity goes a long way!


Monthly Schedule

One Self-Guided Activity
- 1st or 3rd week of each month

Live Healing Arts Workshop
- 2nd Wednesday of each month
7:30pm EST / 6:30pm CST / 5:30pm MST / 4:30pm PST
The recording will also be made available to members.

Special Guest Speakers and Presentations will take place periodically as well at no additional cost.

Meet Sarah King

I recognize that helping professionals and service providers are asked to wear several hats and consistently give care to staff, clients, and often their families and friends, all while facing overwhelm, compassion fatigue, burnout, and possibly lack of self-support.

As a Healing Arts Practitioner and former multi-hat-wearing nonprofit leader, I am passionate about equipping those who serve with creative tools, resources, and support to remember the person underneath all those hats. By guiding them to recognize their own needs and voice, release stress, and renew their energy, helping professionals can not only put on their hats from a place of overall well-being, but have the shoes and bag to match too!

It seems to me that many organizations fulfill their mission at the expense of their staff.

Helpers, the mission is important, and so are you.

What participants are saying…

“Sarah brings a spark and joyful creativity to every class. She is engaged and attentive and even through the screen you feel seen and appreciated.”

— Rev. Kathleen Kendall Davies

What was most meaningful? “Being able to draw what i feel and let it go.”

- Moses Luna, Nonprofit Professional

“I just love experiences like this where I am guided to use creativity for fun, discovery, learning, and relaxation.”

— Nina, Healthcare Professional

What was most meaningful? “Sarah's demonstration and thought behind the prompts! Journaling can seem so overwhelming and the guidance made the process so approachable and fun.”

— Victoria, Educator

“It opened my eyes to creative journaling. I can be hard to journal and just write. I used colored pencils to draw a flower and that helped my thoughts and feelings to flow out.” - Allison Davis, Blackbaud University

This membership has been such a pivotal piece of navigating so many things and I’m grateful that you offer it.
— Tia Norman, Pastor & Contemplative Guide

Hat’s Off for Helpers Membership Investment

Monthly Membership Content Value: 

  • One (1) 75-90 minute Healing Arts workshop: including hands-on activities, education, and discussion
    $50 per person

  • One (1) pre-recorded or written self-paced guided activity

    Special Guest Speakers and Experiences

  • Uplifting social support and camaraderie from peers in your industry

Program Value: $180 per month

Membership Fee:
$180.00 $18.50 per month

Membership Fees will be charged monthly.

No contract, you can cancel at any time.

Let’s do this! Secure your spot today.

Who is this membership program for?

  • You are asked to wear several hats of responsibility and giving care.

  • You enjoy discovering and engaging in creativity, even if you wouldn’t call yourself a “creative”

  • You could benefit from more stress relief and ways to calm anxiety

  • You feel tired and overwhelmed looking at your long to-do list

  • You want a safe space to process the ups and downs of your life and work alongside people who understand where you’re coming from

  • You want to renew your energy for your passion and mission

  • It seems like you don’t have time or money to engage in the luxurious self-care people talk about 

  • You crave time to turn “off” and relax 

This program is perfect for you if…

You’ll experience monthly benefits of:

  • Guidance through real-time, hands-on creative activities designed to practice and express mindfulness, stress relief, emotional processing, grief, vision-setting, mindset work, positive self-talk, and project planning.  

  • Healing Arts tools including guided meditation & visualization, breathwork, mixed media/collage, writing, doodling, vision journaling, and painting 

  • Great company with those who understand what you may be facing to explore ideas, reflect, be, and create alongside each other 

  • Giving meaning to your own creations. As a Healing Arts Practitioner, I curate and guide you in opportunities to explore your emotions, memories, and thoughts through creating. However, unlike art therapy, the meaning is assigned by you. It is an honor for me to be a caring witness to your experience and self-reflection.

Imagine feeling relaxed, balanced, and renewed. Now imagine you aren’t even on vacation yet! Let’s integrate well-being into your regular routine.


Is this therapy?

While I hope you’ll find the activities we’ll do together to be therapeutic and helpful in nature, this program is not meant to be a substitute for therapy. This program is designed to be a complement to other forms of mental health support. Looking for more formal therapy? Click here to view resources.

What if I miss the live sessions?

The recording of the monthly live session will be made available to members in the program free of charge in our group’s portal shortly after the session. Recordings will not be available for a-la-carte workshop attendees.

Are any scholarships offered?

Yes, if this program is cost-prohibitive and you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please complete this scholarship application form.

Do I need to be good at art?

Not at all! Healing Arts teaches that the stress relief, emotional expression, and calming qualities of creativity are experienced in the process of creating. It is not about the end product! Only willingness, but no prior art experience, is necessary to engage in these activities.

What is the refund policy?

Refunds will not be available to those who purchase a membership subscription. However, you can cancel your membership at any time before the next billing date and future monthly fees will not be charged.

What if I do not work in a helping profession?

While this program is designed with professional and lay “helpers” in mind, if you would not describe yourself that way and the content resonates with you, I welcome you to join! If you could benefit from stress relief and a creative outlet, come on in!

What mediums and practices will be included in Healing Arts?

The healing arts activities we’ll complete will include all sorts of visual expressive arts including mixed media, collage, painting, doodling, writing, and poetry. In addition, there will be opportunities for other modalities of mindfulness and stress relief such as breathing and visualization exercises, stretching, dancing, and yoga.

Regardless of the modality, you can choose how you’d like to engage in the activity and consider the topic. Some days that may mean diving into the activity and guidance and other days going in another direction of choice to express yourself.