A Sigh of Relief

Amidst an intimate group of friends, we cheered “Happy New Year!” cheers and exhaled. Although no huge change happens physically from December 31st to January 1st, it felt like we stood in the space between something worn out and new possibilities. A clean slate, breath of air, or in this year’s case, a sigh of relief. Even if reading this in future years, I’m sure you’ll remember where you were on January 1st, 2021. Each year is unique, but we have never experienced one like this.

2020 exposed and unearthed so much in each of us, our communities, our nation, and our world. Good, bad, deep, old and new things and aspects of who we are, act, and want. I‘m reminded of this piece of wisdom that Tia Norman shared over the summer amidst tragic murders that put a spotlight on racial injustice in the USA and reverberated around the world. As we move into this new season, let’s decide what we want to keep, what new senses we want to grow, and where there is need, let the healing begin.


If you can use some recovery and renewed energy after 2020 and inspiration for your 2021 vision, my new course will be a resource for you. I designed this course as a comprehensive introduction to Vision Journaling, which is a creative tool supporting vision, emotional processing, and putting our dreams into action. This video is a preview of the course, The Scenic Route: Vision Journaling 101.


What do you want?


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