Marie Kondo’s KonMari Method: Belief Remix
I had stopped, but I hadn't cleared the space. Has this ever happened to you?
Glimpse into my former Obababy clothing line.
Last fall I made the decision to close my former business, a handmade baby clothing line called Obababy. I would finish the items I had left, and stock stores until I ran out. I had been feeling the nudge to shift and focus my attention on the creative workshops that I'd started, knowing that trying to pursue two entrepreneurial efforts and work a full-time career was too much. I eventually followed the nudge and shifted my focus.
However, since then, I'd kept my materials and almost everything for Obababy in my workshop. Lately, I've been diving into Sarah King Creates and loving it. Yet, a couple weeks ago I started feeling overwhelmed. I had trouble falling asleep since so much was circling in my mind. I looked at my workshop, which has now become my main space of work for my remote full-time job as well and realized this clutter likely wasn't helping.
I had been wanting to hold on to Obababy materials in the event I changed my mind maybe? Or they were too sentimental. Yes, that was likely it. After rewatching an episode of "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" for inspiration, I was finally inspired to clear the space. I allowed myself one cubbie to store Obababy things for future gifts and collected a few things to make a shadow "treasure" box. The rest thew out, donated, etc.
I'm not going to lie, it was tough as each item brought up so many memories. For me, Obababy had been a way to work through grief so naturally those memories resurfaced as I cleared. And in true Marie Kondo style, I thanked the items for their service in my life, and set them aside to exit. The night I started cleaning I slept better than I had all week.
This made me consider what beliefs are we also holding onto from the past that no longer serve us? What have we stopped believing, but haven't cleared out? That question inspired this Vision Journaling prompt idea, which we experimented with in a live workshop. I led the group in a journal acitvity in which we asked ourselves this question and engaged creativity as we spent time with it. Sharing this video clip so you can try it as well!
Tidying Up our Hearts - Marie Kondo: Belief Remix Vision Journaling Activity