A Tool for Knowing Ourselves
Who are you? How do you know? This month we have been discussing and journaling about loving ourselves. Today, we add to that focus to include knowing ourselves. Not just our favorite foods, although that is of course a start, I’m referring to our true inner selves, what makes us tick, and what unique gifts we have. In our journey towards self-mastery, there are likely many tools that can be helpful. I was introduced to the Enneagram, an ancient, yet relevant, tool for knowing myself by my friend, wise teacher, and guide to personal innovation, Danielle Fanfair.
The Enneagram
Danielle Fanfair
What is the Enneagram? Danielle explained that “the Enneagram is a sacred map that dates back six thousand years. Many of the wisdom traditions from ancient cultures, including the Sufi Mystics, Ancient Desert Christians, Buddhists, and others have utilized this tool as a useful resource for human development.” She continued, “The Enneagram helps us explore nine paths of human nature, nine ways that we respond to early trauma with habits and behaviors that become known as personality. Engaging the Enneagram as a map of the soul gives us access to the gifts and what I call the “superpowers” of our soul. Every part of our story gives us insight and intuition about our unique gifting and offering to the world.”
How do we use it? By studying our stories through the lens of the Enneagram, we develop a deeper understanding of who we are and our true essence. Danielle encourages that as we learn about ourselves and have compassion for ourselves, we experience personal innovation and will be able to identify and offer our unique gifts to the world. Danielle helps others use the Enneagram to find their “Enneagram type”, understand their story, and transform into their best self.
Do you want to get clear about your passions, gifts, and deepest longings?
Do you desire a better understanding of why you think, feel, and respond in particular ways?
I’m grateful to share that Danielle has agreed to be a special guest in our next open Vision Journaling workshop on March 4th, 2021! She’ll help us learn about the Enneagram and knowing and loving ourselves more deeply. Then I’ll guide you through responding to this information through journal prompts.
I recently chatted with her to help us understand the Enneagram and her own use of journaling to complement her learning. View the video below to see our conversation.
Knowing and Loving Ourselves through the Enneagram