Three Ways to Ground Yourself after a Storm


Here in Texas, we were hit with a seemingly random out of nowhere winter storm last week. As someone from Indiana, I didn’t think I needed to be concerned. I have winter clothes and experience driving in snow, all good!

However, we found out the homes here, power grid, gas supply, and water supply are not winterized in Texas and unfortunately did not hold up. Everyone I know lost power at their home at some point through the week, and most for more than 24 hours. Water pipes were frozen despite wrapping and dripping the faucets, due to less insulation in our homes and the combination of no power with freezing temperatures. Many people experienced their pipes bursting because of this combination and are now dealing with the aftermath of that ordeal. When the pipes thawed out, if your pipes hadn’t burst (which I’m grateful is my situation), the actual water supply remained very low pressure, and as I write this, we are still in a boil-water notice at my house.

I’m thankful the nonprofit where I work is on the same power grid as the Medical Center, so our families did not experience power loss; however, it took a teamwork scramble to get food to them when most restaurants were shut down and grocery stores very picked over, bottled water during the boil water notice, while every staff member was dealing with our own electricity being out and various levels of water availability or burst pipes. Whew chile.

House Journal Prompt

I’m also grateful for having electricity all but 24 hours, being able to thaw my pipes back out without bursting, friends who weathered the storm with me, and friends and family from across the country who have been checking on us frequently. And like many of you who also experienced this, today I’m tired mentally and physically. Last week felt like a twilight zone. Therefore, as I attempt to get my mind, heart, body, and spirit realigned, I thought you may benefit from these techniques as well.

In the video below, I share three ways to ground yourself after a storm. Whether a physical or mental storm, these methods are helpful any time you experience your body is in survival mode to regain your sense of safety and presence. (I describe these starting at the 1:28 mark in the video)

  • Get outside and spend time in nature

  • Body Scan breathing exercise

  • House with Four Rooms journal prompt:

    • Mental

    • Physical

    • Emotional

    • Spiritual

Special thanks to Quiana Larae (@quianalarae) who I’ve learned much about the concept of grounding and embodiment, as well as Tia Norman (@acontemplativespace) whose contemplative practices continue to be a grounding resource for me.

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Vision Journaling Prompts

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