Tissue Paper Collage Technique


Have you ever tried to make a vision board, and you end up with a lot of little pieces, but aren’t sure how to put them together in any sort of cohesive way? If it ends up looking like a second grade project, then it may deter you from looking at your vision, and that certainly won’t help you focus on your dreams.

Today, I’m sharing a technique to help add dimension and cohesion to magazine collages. Whether it’s a vision board, vision journal entry, or art project, this easy method will tie your image together and help make it something you enjoy viewing and displaying. The key ingredient to any collage is tissue paper. Yes, that’s right, just the typical next-to-the-gift-wrap tissue paper. So when your family is cleaning up after opening presents this holiday season, keep that tissue paper for your vision journaling or boards!


  • Tissue paper

  • Magazine pieces

  • Mod Podge or white school glue

  • Plastic cup

  • Water

  • Paper Towel

  • Foam Brush

  • Parchment Paper or Foil

p.s. Want to see more? This is one of the many techniques I demonstrate in my new course, The Scenic Route: Vision Journaling 101, available now for pre-sale!


Create a Necktie Wreath


Holiday Cards from Magazines