Redefining a Relationship with Water

An Adult Beginner Swimmer Success Story

One of my adult swimming clients, Felix Gonzalez, shared with me about his experience redefining his relationship with water through our swimming lessons. It has been incredible to see him show so much bravery as he has trusted his body more and more in the water. Five lessons ago, he was weary about going into the 6ft end of the pool and not confident in his ability to breathe while swimming. Today, he can drop into the 6ft side of the pool, swim up to the surface, tread water, and swim to the side without touching the bottom or assistance! He even dove into the pool successfully during lesson five! 🎉🎉🎉

Can we give him some applause for facing his fears?!?!

Would you like to start redefining your relationship with water and swimming? To learn more about Water & Well-Being Adult Swimming Retreats, click here.


Vision Journal Prompt for a Cluttered Mind


A Loving Relationship with Water