How Can Yoga Help Adults Learn to Swim?

Benefits of Yoga for Adult Beginner Swimmers

I’m so excited to have Tia Norman join us for the Water & Well-Being Adult Beginner Swim Retreat this May as our guest mindset guide. Tia is a contemplative guide, yoga instructor, and author. I spoke with her recently about what she is designing for our dry land portions that will support our experience in the water.

Yoga Nidra Meditation

What if I don’t know how to twist and hold poses?

Tia shares that the forms of yoga she’ll be teaching have minimal movement and are less like what some may imagine when you hear the word “yoga”. In Yoga Nidra, you lay down the entire time, and in Embodied Yin, you move from pose to pose very slowly, seeking out how your body feels most supported in each. Therefore, these types of yoga are accessible to people of all experience levels with yoga, including none.

To hear Tia share about her offerings at our upcoming Water & Well-Being Retreat, themes we’ll be exploring, and more on how yoga can support people learning to swim, click to view our conversation below.

Join us!

If you could benefit from gaining more comfort in the water while swimming, please join us at the Water & Well-Being Adult Beginner Swim Retreat May 26-29, 2023! This will be an incredible way to increase your comfort level and swimming skill while surrounded by beautiful scenery and being supported in your mindset as well.


Swimming my Way to Mental Health and Well-Being


Mental Health Benefits of Swimming