Pursuing Freedom in our Lives


With June holding Pride month and Juneteenth, and with the 4th of July right around the corner, it seems right to reflect on the topic of FREEDOM in this month's Virtual Vision Journaling Workshop. Specifically, I'm wondering about the ideas of "freedom from" and "freedom to".

  • What have we experienced or what do we desire freedom from?

  • What do we desire the freedom to do or be?

What does freedom look like for you?

When I thought about people in my life who demonstrate and pursue freedom, my mind went immediately to Raveen Alexis. I’m grateful that she will join us as our special guest host this week in our workshop to guide our reflection on the topic of freedom. She is a yoga instructor, writer, mental health advocate, and host of Ginger Tea, the podcast. I’ve seen Raveen pursue freedom gracefully and diligently for the seven or so years I’ve known her. Last week we started this conversation about what pursuing freedom looks like for her. Click here to hear our conversation on Instagram live for some gems of wisdom!

Freedom Square Raveen (1).jpg

Join us at this week’s virtual workshop!

Thursday, June 17th, 2021, 7pm - 8:15pm CST


From Muddy Mess to Paver Walkway


Journal Prompt For Transitions