My Father’s Journey: Overcoming Fear and Embracing the Water

Learning to swim at age 81

In this conversation for the “Relationship with Water” interview series, I had the privilege of sitting down with my dad, an 81-year-old who recently embarked on an extraordinary journey: learning to swim for the first time. Despite having offered many times to teach him over the years since becoming a swim instructor, my dad has been content to cheer me on rather than experience swimming himself.  Now that he’s retired and I live in a place with easy access to a pool, he finally took me up on the offer!  Guiding my dad through this experience was incredibly meaningful, and I'm excited to share his insights with you.

Growing up, swimming wasn't a part of my dad's life. Raised in a family with limited resources and a mother who discouraged swimming, he never had the opportunity to learn. Despite spending summers near the water with his own family, he always felt a sense of shame and regret for not being able to join in the fun.

So, what made him decide to start learning now, at 81?

It was my encouragement, of course! 😉 With my guidance as a swim instructor and the comfort of learning from his daughter, he took the plunge. Over the course of just one week, we spent about ten hours in the pool together, and the transformation was remarkable. From feeling fearful and uncertain to confidently breathing in the water and mastering various swimming techniques, he conquered his fears and found joy in the process.  (To see more of his process while learning, check out this video on my Instagram page!)

His advice to others with limited swimming experience is simple yet powerful: take the lessons. Don't wait until you're over 80 like he did. Swimming is safe, fun, and liberating, and shedding the fear opens up a world of possibilities. With the right guidance and support, anyone can learn to swim at any age.

Watch the full interview below to hear more about my dad's inspiring journey and discover why it's never too late to dive into something new.

Are you ready to learn with me?  

Check out my Water & Well-Being adult swimming program options here!  Whether you are local to South Florida or want to learn on a vacation here, I’ve got you covered.


Why wouldn’t adults know how to swim?