Ask First

Did you ask first?

I remember when I was a kid, my mom would nag us if we reached for something before asking. I was reminded of this concept in a random way recently during a cross-country move.

Friends have been asking me if I’m settled yet since moving to a new city. Unfortunately, although I’m making some progress, the answer is not quite yet. The process has been slower than I anticipated. My new apartment is much smaller than the house I left, and despite purging before I left, fitting my items for my personal space and two work-at-home careers has been a challenge.

In this video, I share the important life lesson I've been reminded of through this experience.

Sarah King shares an important tip and life lesson learned while moving into a smaller space.

If you’re curious about the “cleaning and clearing” rituals I mention doing before moving into the space, view last week’s blog post here.


How to Make a Fall Leaf Luminary


Rituals for Moving Out & In